"We are all wanderers on this earth...our hearts are full of wonder, and our souls are deep with dreams." ~ Gypsy proverb

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A way to begin and a way to end

The best part of unschooling is when there is no judgement between the busiest day, and the laziest day. It's all good. This morning began rather sweetly, with some chocolate biscotti and some scoping around. 

Rock painting, running club, triop hunting, going down a slide and loving on someone's pup...

After a full day of living--a full day of unschooling, what a remarkable way to begin and end our days.


  1. Oh what a lovely day! Looks like it was filled with lots of smiles and laughter! And your sunset there is fantastic! Love the phrase 'unschooling!'

  2. "The best part of unschooling is when there is no judgement between the busiest day, and the laziest day."

    absolutely loved that thought.

  3. Your days sound a lot like mine. Just found your blog today, I'm enjoying browsing it!

  4. "The best part of unschooling is when there is no judgement between the busiest day, and the laziest day."

    Oh how i miss homeschooling! Love that thought!


“Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
~ George Bernard Shaw