"We are all wanderers on this earth...our hearts are full of wonder, and our souls are deep with dreams." ~ Gypsy proverb

Monday, November 19, 2012

Chasing sunsets

I can say with certainty that our time in Fl. has been full so far. We've been chasing sunsets and filling our bellies to the brim with comfort foods from family, friends and home. The kids have been on hyper drive and I think I've had only one hour of quiet and nothingness over the past 4 days.  But that's okay. There is a time and place for quiet and nothingness, and the entrance to the holiday season isn't the time or place.

The next few days will be about helping mom prepare for our non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Instead of turkey and stuffing this year we will be having Shabu Shabu, one of our favorites.  It's like a Japanese version of fondue. We cook everything on skewers at the table in broth seasoned with seaweed.  There will be rice, sauces for seasoning, miso soup, seaweed salad, Japanese pickles, sake, and plum wine :).

I look forward to peeking in the next few days and seeing what will be on your tables.
 Monday love to you...


Weekending with Amanda...


  1. Welcome back to the same time zone my dear MJ.
    I want to come to Thanksgiving dinner at your table, I love everything you are serving, especially miso soup [my favorite soup].
    There will only be four of us for dinner this year, and I am still not sure how I am handling it, really it makes me sad, but I am planning a nice dinner for the four of us that are here.
    I know you are enjoying all the wonderful moments with your family and I am so happy for you.

  2. ooo la la, that sounds just perfect. have fun with all your people!

  3. I love Shabu Shabu! We are having the tradition Thanksgiving meal; originally it was just going to be the four of us, but then plans changed and my dad & his boyfriend will be joining us for dinner too. Although I was looking forward to a quiet & lower key Turkey dinner with just my little family, it DOES make the day a bit more festive to have guests arriving. Especially guests who bring good wine :)

  4. what warm pictures. i'm sure you're feeling the warmth of sunshine and love all around you. your thanksgiving meal sounds wonderful!

  5. Sounds wonderful! Enjoy every moment :) xo

  6. you are right, this is not a time for seeking quiet but instead seeking company and love and warmth and good stories. enjoy your time there my friend!

  7. Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds delish, enjoy!


“Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
~ George Bernard Shaw