"We are all wanderers on this earth...our hearts are full of wonder, and our souls are deep with dreams." ~ Gypsy proverb

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful on Thursdays

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I will be giving thanks every Thursday to people and products that have enriched and enhanced us along the way, and that have left impressions on our day to day lives. These impressions are lovely as they can be more valuable and sustaining than anything else we take with us.

So, in celebration of discovery, and as I wander around the web, I am compelled to say "thank you". Thank you for getting up everyday and writing something, sharing something, making something. You inspire me:

Lady Cordelia with her beautiful way with words. Some people just have a style of writing that just whispers a "click" and reading becomes one joyous adventure. Thank you :).

A Toy Garden. I mentioned them last week with this post. With my latest obsessions with wooden and handmade toys, we have been to fairy lands, gnome lands, and medieval times along with our magical ladybugs. Oh! And I love love love the Bolga basket!! Thank you Toy Garden, we will be back for more...

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“Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
~ George Bernard Shaw