It's going to be 84 degrees here in central FL today. And though I am not really enjoying the heat, I must say that as a budding gardener, I will count my lucky stars.
Unschooling has really given us the freedom and opportunity to just do. Inhibitions, doubts, fears, insecurities, even procedure-- they take a backseat to interest, possibility, and excitement for exploring the unknown. When all things you never thought you could or would do, become possible, then that's when life gets really interesting!!
So, we have been wanting a veggie garden for awhile and FL soil, well, let's just say it doesn't fall into any category labeled "soil" at all. Fortunately, will a little help from Mel Bartholmew we just dove into veggie and herb production. Hubs made an awesome above ground cedar frame which still needs some tweaking, so we just started planting in containers for now. We mixed our own soil and happily wore the true trademarks of gardening--dirt and manure imbedded in our clothes, hands and nails. The smell of good, clean dirt is wonderful...
What's next? Worms!!
Good day! I had to say... I think you mentioning gardening a few posts back is what gave me the final thanks!