Oh we are so close aren't we! Where did the month go? Somewhere along celebrating Advent, creating and crafting, sewing, crocheting, baking, playing, blogging, and making new friends-- the winter solstice has arrived. Will you be up in the wee hours to watch this lunar eclipse? We are going to try!!
Meanwhile, we are "wrapping things up" around here as some of my handmade projects for Christmas are coming to a close. My little elf happily helped me on this one.
I was so fortunate to have my mother bring me back some handmade Japanese washi papers this past fall. They are so pretty I almost hated to use them. But my goat milk soaps (which I had so much fun making!) are naked and need to be covered, so here they go...
Hope you have a beautifully rare and momentous evening and week!!
MJ - these soaps are so beautiful wrapped in those papers! i also have a collection of origami and other washi papers from dear mum and this post is inspiring me... thank you!